CAE notes WIN7 Ex_3.14 # USE UMATS8R5.FOR # When using UMAT we have to enter the *TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS for the SECTION # open Ex_3.8.cae to reuse for this example Menu: File Open, [c:\Documents\Abaqus\Ex_3.2\Ex_3.8.cae] Save As, [c:\Documents\Abaqus\Ex_3.8\Ex_3.14.cae] Module: Property # unidirectional material from Ex. 3.8 is used to calculate H44, H45, H55 Menu: Material, Name [unidirectional], Mechanical, Elasticity, Elastic, Lamina, [133860 7706 0.301 4306 4306 2760], OK Suboptions, Fail stress, [1830 -1096 57 -228 71 -1] #do not enter any stress limit OK, OK # elastic material to get H44, H45, H55 Menu: Section, Edit, Section-1, Section integration, Before analysis, Thickness, Shell thickness, Value, [10] Material, [unidirectional] OK, OK Module: Step Output, Field output request, Edit, F-Output-1 # Unselect everything, # then, open one by one and select only what you need Stress, S, Strains, E, Displacements, U Forces, RF Failure/Fracture, CFAILURE # to make available the TSAIW failure index State/Field/user/Time, SDV # to make available the state variables from the UMAT OK Module: Load Menu, Load, Edit # change the load to 1.2E-3 Module: Jobs Menu: Job, Manager Edit, tab: General, [check] Print model definition data, #important User subroutine [umats8r5.for], OK #not used in this Job but in the next Submit, OK Results # max. U3 = 87.27 mm #open .dat file to read K11=H55, K12=H45, K22=H44, for laminates #search for TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESSES FOR THE SECTION #then, re-run w/UMAT # run with UMAT # user material must be integrated during analysis Module: Property # create material unidirectional-user to be used with the UMAT Menu: Material, Name [unidirectional-user], General, User material, Mechanical, Mechanical constants, #too laborious [133860., 7706., 0.301, 0.396, 4306., 1830., 1096., 57., 228., 71., -1.] right click, Read from file [props.txt], OK, Depvar, 2, OK, Dis Menu: Section, Edit, Section-1, Section integration, During analysis, Thickness, Shell thickness, Value, [10] Material, [unidirectional-user] Thickness integration rule, Simpson Thickness integration points, [3] Advanced tab, # Abaqus component order: 11, 22, 12, 13, 23 # Transverse shear stiffness, Specify values, [K11=H55, K12=H45, K22=H44], OK # for a single ply shell of thickness t, H44=5/6*G23*t, H45=0, H55=5/6*G13*t # for a laminate, use (6.16) p. 176, Barbero, 2010, or read the .dat file Transverse shear stiffness, Specify values, [35883., 0., 23000.], OK # Hourglass control membrane, bending: 21.530, 16.148 # # The following must appear in the .inp file if using UMAT # ** Section: Section-1 # *Shell Section, elset=_PickedSet2, material=Material-uni-user, orientation=Ori-1 # 10., 3 # *Transverse Shear # 35883., 23000., 0. # and # *Material, name=Material-uni-user # *Depvar # 2, # *User Material, constants=11 # 133860., 7706., 0.301, 0.396, 4306., 1830., 1096., 57. # 228., 71., -1. Module: Visualization Menu: Options, Contour, Quilt Menu: Plot, Contours on Deformed Shape, TSAIW Menu: Result, Section points, Bottom # the bottom side reaches F_I~0.1767 Menu: Result, Section points, Top # the top side reaches F_I~0.09444 # or use script to get almost the same results