Abaqus installation directories, configuration files, UMAT, UGENS Working Directory During installation you select a default "working directory" like "c:\temp", but I strongly recommend to use "C:\SIMULIA\USER\" Installation Directories There are two separate software installation directories for Abaqus. -- solvers_install_dir -- cae_install_dir Below are shown the locations, if during installation you accepted the default locations: -- solvers_install_dir: C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\SimulationServices\V6R2017x\win_b64\SMA\site\ -- cae_install_dir: "C:\SIMULIA\CAE\2017\win_b64\code\bin\ In the "solvers_install_dir" you can find the environment files abaqus_v6.env, custom_v6.env, win86_64.env, etc. Solvers_install_dir\win86_64.env file You may need to modify win86_64.env if you need different Fortran compiler directives, such as to use MKL, or free formating. First make a backup of win86_64.env file into win86_64_backup.env, then modify it like this: compile_fortran=['ifort', '/Qmkl:sequential', # <-- MKL '/free', # <-- free format Fortran95 '/c','/DABQ_WIN86_64', '/extend-source', '/fpp', '/iface:cref', '/recursive', '/Qauto-scalar', '/QxSSE3', '/QaxAVX', '/heap-arrays:1', # '/Od', '/Ob0', # <-- Optimization Debugging # '/Zi', # <-- Debugging '/include:%I'] Note: Abaqus/CAE requires UMAT files to have extension .for, which the ifort compiler interprets as F77 fixed format files, but including the switch /free we force ifort to interpret .for as F90 free formatted files. C:\SIMULIA\Commands Contains batch files that Abaqus uses to execute Abaqus (but not CAE). You may need to modify abq2017.bat to enable compilation/linking of user programmable features such as UMAT. Abaqus needs to know the PATH to the ifort compiler, MKL libraries, and so on. First make a backup copy of the original file abq2017.bat -> abq2017_backup.bat just in case. Then modify abq2017.bat as follows: rem .bat file to enable Abaqus User Programmable Features, rem thus executing Abaqus 2017 with rem Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 and rem Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 1 and rem Intel MKL Math libraries rem Add a PATH to ifort.exe SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2019.4.245\windows\bin\intel64;%PATH%; rem Load ifortvars, which itself loads vcvarsall x64 call "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.1.146\windows\bin\ifortvars" -arch intel64 rem Load mklvars call "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.1.146\windows\mkl\bin\mklvars" intel64 rem keep next 2 lines exactly as in the original installation @echo off "C:\SIMULIA\CAE\2017\win_b64\code\bin\ABQLauncher.exe" %* C:\SIMULIA\CAE\2017\win_b64\resources\install\cae You may need to modify launcher.bat to enable compilation/linking of user programmable features from within CAE. Abaqus/CAE needs to know the PATH to the ifort compiler, MKL libraries, and so on. First make a backup copy of the original file -> launcher_backup.bat just in case. Then modify launcher.bat as follows: rem .bat file to execute Abaqus/CAE 2017 with rem Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 and rem Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 1 and rem Intel MKL Math libraries rem Add a PATH to ifort.exe SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2019.4.245\windows\bin\intel64;%PATH%; rem Load ifortvars, which itself loads vcvarsall x64 call "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.1.146\windows\bin\ifortvars" -arch intel64 rem Load mklvars call "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.1.146\windows\mkl\bin\mklvars" intel64 rem keep next 2 lines exactly as in the original installation @echo off "C:\SIMULIA\CAE\2017\win_b64\code\bin\ABQLauncher.exe" %*