Module: Part Menu: Part, Create, [Part-1], 3D, Deformable, Shell, Planar, Approximate size [4000], Cont Menu: Add, Line, Rectangle, # Enter the points [0,0], [1000,1000], x # to end the command, Done Module: Property Menu: Material, Create, Name [Material-1], Mechanical, Elasticity, Elastic, Lamina, [13386000 7706 0.301 4306 4306 2760] Mechanical, Expansion, Type, Orthotropic, [13.23672E-OO7 2.58908E-005 2.58908E-0051], OK Menu: Section, Create, Name [Section-1], Shell, Composite, Cont Material: Material-1 # for all Thickness [1.2] # for all Orientation [0,90] Menu: Assign, Section # pick part, Done, OK Module: Assembly Menu: Instance, lndependent, OK Module: Step Menu: Step, Create, Name [Step-1], Static/General, Cont, OK Module: Load Menu: BC, Create, Name [BC-1], Step: Initial, Mechanical, Symmetry, Cont # pick left vertical line, Done, XSIMM, OK Menu: BC, Create, Name [BC-2], Step: Initial, Mechanical, Symmetry, Cont # pick lower horizontal line, Done, YSIMM, OK Menu: BC, Create, Displacement/Mechanical, Cont, # pick bottom left point, Done # checkmark all (U1 to UR3), OK Menu: Predefined Field, Create, Other, Temperature, Cont # Select rectangle, Done, Magnitude [0], OK Menu: Predefined Field, Manager # Double click cell Predefined Field-2, Step-1 (Propagated) Status, Modified, Magnitude [-150], OK Module: Mesh Menu: Seed, lnstance, Apply, OK Menu: Mesh, Element type, Std, Quad, DOF [5], OK # S8R5 Menu: Mesh, lnstance, Yes Module: Jobs Menu: Job manager Create, Cont, OK Submit, Results Module: Visualization Menu: Plot, Allow multiple plot states, Undeformed shape, Deformed shape Menu: Options, Common, Tab: Basic, Render style: Filled, Visible Edges: Free edges, Tab: Other, Scale coordinates, Z: [3], OK Menu: Options, Superimpose plot options, Visible Edges: Feature edges, OK Menu: View, Odb display options, Tab: Mirror/Pattern, Mirror planes: XZ and YZ